It was another stressful day for Same in the office. Deadlines approached, and specifications still needed to be written before the project manual could be issued. “Is there something I can do to cut some corners and save time?” Same thought to...
SPEC SHORTS – (Vol. 2) Issue 5: Feb 5, 2025
During a progress review meeting with a Client, Professor V. was asked why some sections reference the Exterior Finish Materials Schedule instead of listing the Basis-of-Design Materials, while others list the materials in Part 2. Professor V....
SPEC SHORTS – (Vol. 2) Issue 4: Jan 29, 2025
This week, Professor V. begins his SPEC SCIENCE 101 lecture with an important lesson to help the class wake up. The title “The 5C’s of Spec Writing” is on the chalkboard with a freshly erased board underneath. What is this methodology that looks...
SPEC SHORTS – (Vol. 2) Issue 3: Jan 22, 2025
Let’s continue with Volume 2, as we join Coach M., SPECKY and Professor V., at an industry event where the “tables have slightly turned”. (pardon the pun) Instead of professor V asking all the questions, we enter to find the V SPECS team manning...
SPEC SHORTS – (Vol. 2) Issue 2: Jan 15, 2025
VOLUME 2 continues with us joining Professor V. in a quotation negotiation when he is asked what specific role he will play on the Project Team. Unfortunately, this is a common question that Professor V. and other Spec Writers face daily when...
SPEC SHORTS – (Vol. 2) Issue 1: Jan 8, 2025
Volume 2 SPEC SHORTS has arrived, and we find ourselves joining a crowded assembly to listen to Coach M. introduce a topic that might be newer to the architectural industry, but where technical precision meets creative vision, connecting with...