Hiring the right technical reps is not as easy as hiring for other positions.
Not only is sales its own unique world, but the right technical reps are highly skilled salespeople, with a deep knowledge of the industries that they work in. They’re the authority, and they need to be in the know while also staying calm, cool, and collected.
This means that hiring the right team members can be hard, and training them is even harder! You need to know what sort of background and experience they’re bringing to the table, and where their deficits are. You need to assess how well they can adapt to working on the road, or making new connections in a room full of strangers.
Now, you also need to assess how smoothly those skills translate over Zoom, and whether they can make those same impressions virtually that they can in person. Even if someone is warm enough in person, being able to charm a stranger and build relationships through a webcam is an entirely different art, and one that takes a lot of training and practice.
In short – even if you think you have the right team, things just aren’t working the way that they should.